Our vision and mission is to develop a comprehensive solution for the city transport structure. CarP is a smart platform for cities that operates in the following key areas.

Parking Coordination in Cities
Parking Coordination in Cities
Organisation of parking facilities based on a clear definition of their bounderies and fees, convenient payment methods
The Automated Parking Payment Control System allows for the most efficient use of parking spaces and provides information on the number of free/occupied spaces
Parking Inspection in Cities and Communities
Parking Inspection in Cities and Communities
Providing the parking inspection with a convenient tool for recording and processing of parking violations
‘’Permit’’ - Administration of Permits
‘’Permit’’ - Administration of Permits
This is the system that enables the authorised body to issue a permit for the right to temporarily use the area for parking vehicles

Parking Coordination in Cities

CarP is a modern and complex service for every city

The use of CarP software will allow cities and municipalities to analyse parking data in an automated way and receive stable income to finance city improvement projects:

  • to reduce traffic on the roads
  • to clear inter-building passages and sidewalks
  • to increase the traffic capacity of city streets and roads
  • to improve traffic safety and drivers’ discipline
  • to improve the discipline of payment for the use of paid car parking facilities
  • to increase financial inflow to the city budget

The parking inspection is the main executive body for regulating parking spaces in cities.

Stable inflows to city budget
Automated recording of parking violations
Traffic safety
Management of street parking
Mobile payment
Other features of the CarP system


Automated Parking Payment Control System

The task of the APPCS is to organise traffic and parking on the territory of an administrative unit, which, in its turn, serves as a mechanism for dealing with traffic violators.

To this end, Desyde LTD has developed CarP software to help improve performance and solve certain issues in the field of parking.

Parking Inspection in Cities and Communities

The inspection’s main task is to clear public transport lanes and improve the drivers’ discipline when it comes to paying for parking, which, in its turn, ensures that the streets are properly maintained.

The main tool for influencing violators is to hold them liable for violating parking rules or for non-payment for parking services.

The basic principles of the Parking Inspection are the unbiased recording of administrative offences and the inevitability of punishment.

Stages of parking inspector's work:

The inspector uses a shockproof, waterproof smartphone protected according to the IP68 standard
Records offences using a camera
The system scans and automatically recognises the car’s licence plate number
The APPCS system controls payment for parking
A mobile printer prints out a parking ticket

Permit: Administration and Licensing of Permit Issuing Systems

Our project plans to expand the organisation of parking in cities by implementing the Permit system, which has been successfully operating in the Netherlands and Greece for over 15 years. This system supports the full cycle of issuing parking permits for employees and visitors of restaurants, shops, hotels, etc.

Municipalities or private parking service providers can configure all the parameters for issuing and managing permits, including: making a request, payment, receiving, renewing or cancelling a permit.

In this way, residents of buildings, business owners or retail outlets will receive organised parking spaces to park their vehicles near the place of their residence, work or short-term stay respectively, and will pay a tax to the city budget.

  • flexible configuration of permit types and setting up rules for their issuing
  • specific properties and processing steps can be defined for each type of permit
  • classification of territorial zones (taking into account streets and ranges of house numbers)
  • automated tracking of the permit application queue
  • possibility to search for data using a variety of parameters
  • authorised personnel can have centralised access to the system

Press Release

Latest News
7 June 2024
Dear user!
Thank you for choosing our parking payment app. We are planning to improve the app by adding new features and it would be helpful to receive your feedback....